August 2, 2023

Is it too late to join a men’s soccer league?

It’s never too late

Did you know the oldest professional player, Kazuyoshi “King Kazu” Miura, is still playing soccer at the young age of 55? And that’s just professional soccer! 

There’s no age limit when it comes to enjoying sports. Players like King Kazu prove that it’s never too late to start playing a sport you enjoy, and now is the perfect time to get started playing soccer

Need a little convincing? It’s great for your physical health, it’s great for your mental health, and it’s the best way for adults to make friends. 

In this article, we explore the benefits of joining a men’s soccer league. You’ll learn how constant running builds muscle and how scoring a goal can lead to reduced stress. Just remember, it’s never too late to start enjoying soccer! 

TOCA Football offers adult leagues for anyone to get started with soccer, or hone existing skills.

Benefits of Joining a Men’s Soccer League

Whether you’re about to play your first game or are heading to the playoffs, it’s always nice to know that playing soccer provides some benefits. Year-round men’s & women’s soccer leagues help you get into the sport without signing a waitlist. So here’s the kick in the pants you need—all the benefits of joining a men’s soccer league. 

Improve cardiovascular health

Even if you know absolutely no soccer rules, you can see that it’s a highly physical sport. Don’t be surprised if you must sign a waiver before joining as a free agent. All fears aside, soccer is an excellent way to improve cardiovascular health. 

Soccer requires players to jog or even sprint constantly, and that type of activity is perfect for cardio health and aerobic ability. Improving your heart health will be hard at first, but the more you move, the better your body gets at pumping blood and using oxygen. Adult soccer leagues provide various levels of play to avoid feeling like death after a regular season game! 

Build muscle and reduce body fat

Once you get past the initial shock of introducing activity into your routine, you’ll notice changes in your muscles and body fat content. Introducing physical activity helps break the sedentary lifestyle that’s become so common. It can lead to noticeable weight loss or even curb weight gain!

All the running you’ll do playing soccer can tone your muscles, especially in the legs, knees, hips, and core. While nothing replaces weight training for ultimate refinement, unless you play for US Soccer, the physical activity can boost your muscle mass in a matter of games! 

Relieve stress

Emails, work calls, kids, chores—it all makes for one stressful life. However, playing in a men’s over-18 soccer league could be just what you need to cut the cortisol! Physical activities, like playing soccer, lead to a flood of feel-good chemicals throughout our bodies. These chemicals are endorphins.

These endorphins are so powerful that doctors often describe them as pain-relieving, euphoric, and upbeat. Studies show that activity supports robust mental health, reduces stress, and builds positive emotions. Plus, playing soccer is extremely rewarding, especially when you win or score a goal; the only pressure will come from your team’s standings!   

Increased stamina and endurance

Along with improved cardio health and reduced body fat, you’ll experience increased stamina and endurance. Soccer games can last 90 minutes or longer, meaning players must have the stamina to make it the entire game length before becoming exhausted. Not only will you have to run the whole time, but you’ll also need strength to pass or score. 

Soccer provides a pathway for you to get healthier and have more significant athletic ability. As you progress, you’ll notice a pep in your step that lasts the entire day. That extra energy benefits your professional and personal life.

Builds a stronger community

It’s tough making friends as an adult. Just ask anyone with a full-time job and family commitments. They’ll tell you it’s next to impossible to create meaningful connections with others. However, it’s impossible not to make friends with soccer as the teammates you play with on Sunday morning forge lasting bonds. 

What initially starts as an individual registration in an open division can blossom into a life-long team registration if only to keep the connections alive! Isn’t it time you became part of something bigger than yourself? Find your next adult soccer team at TOCA Football. TOCA has indoor soccer leagues for men, women, and coed open teams. 

It’s fun!

According to FIFA, five billion people are fans of soccer. That’s more than half the human population! And from small pick-up games to full-on tournaments or outdoor soccer to indoor futsal, there’s no limit to the variations in the game. Playing soccer gives you space to let loose and enjoy the moment.   

Soccer is enjoying explosive growth, with women’s and coed leagues becoming more popular. That growth means more opportunities to play. And, besides, few things are more fun than blasting a well-timed kick past the keeper! 

How to Avoid Soccer Injuries

While playing soccer is an excellent way to get active, there are a few things to keep in mind to prevent serious injury. Any quality soccer coach will tell you the following: 

  • Make sure to warm up – Warm-ups involve stretching, easy drills, and pep talks. Getting the blood pumping prevents muscle fatigue or cramping, which can lead to sprains or pulled muscles and tendons. 

  • Stay active – Keeping a generally active lifestyle helps maintain a healthy body. A healthy body is less likely to succumb to injury, and should an injury occur, a healthy body recovers more quickly. 

  • Stay hydrated – Water is the most important thing we put in our bodies. Doctors recommend half your body weight in ounces of water per day to stay hydrated. 

  • Know your limits – Pushing yourself too much or too quickly is a recipe for injury. Know your skill level and challenge yourself in a structured way to expand your ability without hurting yourself. 

By keeping these few tips in mind before you enjoy your next game, you can prevent getting sidelined by injury. 

Having trouble deciding on an adult league? TOCA Football offers a free kickoff to help you determine your skill level and how to take your soccer ability to the next level. There are locations all around the country, and more arrive every year! 

Join an Adult Soccer League with TOCA Football Today

Whew, there are almost as many benefits to playing soccer as minutes in a game. Soccer provides a way for adults to get physically active. Physical activity means improved cardiovascular health, increased stamina, and reduced stress. Naturally, playing on a team gives players a chance to get to know each other and forge lasting friendships that extend well beyond the game. But remember, take it slow, know your limits, and drink plenty of water! 

TOCA Football is your adult soccer league partner. At TOCA, you can find an adult league that matches your skill level, from seasoned pros to entertaining newbies. Plus, there are countless tournaments and events geared toward adults that you can enjoy year-round. Find your nearest TOCA facility and start benefiting from soccer!

It’s never too late

Did you know the oldest professional player, Kazuyoshi “King Kazu” Miura, is still playing soccer at the young age of 55? And that’s just professional soccer! 

There’s no age limit when it comes to enjoying sports. Players like King Kazu prove that it’s never too late to start playing a sport you enjoy, and now is the perfect time to get started playing soccer

Need a little convincing? It’s great for your physical health, it’s great for your mental health, and it’s the best way for adults to make friends. 

In this article, we explore the benefits of joining a men’s soccer league. You’ll learn how constant running builds muscle and how scoring a goal can lead to reduced stress. Just remember, it’s never too late to start enjoying soccer! 

TOCA Football offers adult leagues for anyone to get started with soccer, or hone existing skills.

Benefits of Joining a Men’s Soccer League

Whether you’re about to play your first game or are heading to the playoffs, it’s always nice to know that playing soccer provides some benefits. Year-round men’s & women’s soccer leagues help you get into the sport without signing a waitlist. So here’s the kick in the pants you need—all the benefits of joining a men’s soccer league. 

Improve cardiovascular health

Even if you know absolutely no soccer rules, you can see that it’s a highly physical sport. Don’t be surprised if you must sign a waiver before joining as a free agent. All fears aside, soccer is an excellent way to improve cardiovascular health. 

Soccer requires players to jog or even sprint constantly, and that type of activity is perfect for cardio health and aerobic ability. Improving your heart health will be hard at first, but the more you move, the better your body gets at pumping blood and using oxygen. Adult soccer leagues provide various levels of play to avoid feeling like death after a regular season game! 

Build muscle and reduce body fat

Once you get past the initial shock of introducing activity into your routine, you’ll notice changes in your muscles and body fat content. Introducing physical activity helps break the sedentary lifestyle that’s become so common. It can lead to noticeable weight loss or even curb weight gain!

All the running you’ll do playing soccer can tone your muscles, especially in the legs, knees, hips, and core. While nothing replaces weight training for ultimate refinement, unless you play for US Soccer, the physical activity can boost your muscle mass in a matter of games! 

Relieve stress

Emails, work calls, kids, chores—it all makes for one stressful life. However, playing in a men’s over-18 soccer league could be just what you need to cut the cortisol! Physical activities, like playing soccer, lead to a flood of feel-good chemicals throughout our bodies. These chemicals are endorphins.

These endorphins are so powerful that doctors often describe them as pain-relieving, euphoric, and upbeat. Studies show that activity supports robust mental health, reduces stress, and builds positive emotions. Plus, playing soccer is extremely rewarding, especially when you win or score a goal; the only pressure will come from your team’s standings!   

Increased stamina and endurance

Along with improved cardio health and reduced body fat, you’ll experience increased stamina and endurance. Soccer games can last 90 minutes or longer, meaning players must have the stamina to make it the entire game length before becoming exhausted. Not only will you have to run the whole time, but you’ll also need strength to pass or score. 

Soccer provides a pathway for you to get healthier and have more significant athletic ability. As you progress, you’ll notice a pep in your step that lasts the entire day. That extra energy benefits your professional and personal life.

Builds a stronger community

It’s tough making friends as an adult. Just ask anyone with a full-time job and family commitments. They’ll tell you it’s next to impossible to create meaningful connections with others. However, it’s impossible not to make friends with soccer as the teammates you play with on Sunday morning forge lasting bonds. 

What initially starts as an individual registration in an open division can blossom into a life-long team registration if only to keep the connections alive! Isn’t it time you became part of something bigger than yourself? Find your next adult soccer team at TOCA Football. TOCA has indoor soccer leagues for men, women, and coed open teams. 

It’s fun!

According to FIFA, five billion people are fans of soccer. That’s more than half the human population! And from small pick-up games to full-on tournaments or outdoor soccer to indoor futsal, there’s no limit to the variations in the game. Playing soccer gives you space to let loose and enjoy the moment.   

Soccer is enjoying explosive growth, with women’s and coed leagues becoming more popular. That growth means more opportunities to play. And, besides, few things are more fun than blasting a well-timed kick past the keeper! 

How to Avoid Soccer Injuries

While playing soccer is an excellent way to get active, there are a few things to keep in mind to prevent serious injury. Any quality soccer coach will tell you the following: 

  • Make sure to warm up – Warm-ups involve stretching, easy drills, and pep talks. Getting the blood pumping prevents muscle fatigue or cramping, which can lead to sprains or pulled muscles and tendons. 

  • Stay active – Keeping a generally active lifestyle helps maintain a healthy body. A healthy body is less likely to succumb to injury, and should an injury occur, a healthy body recovers more quickly. 

  • Stay hydrated – Water is the most important thing we put in our bodies. Doctors recommend half your body weight in ounces of water per day to stay hydrated. 

  • Know your limits – Pushing yourself too much or too quickly is a recipe for injury. Know your skill level and challenge yourself in a structured way to expand your ability without hurting yourself. 

By keeping these few tips in mind before you enjoy your next game, you can prevent getting sidelined by injury. 

Having trouble deciding on an adult league? TOCA Football offers a free kickoff to help you determine your skill level and how to take your soccer ability to the next level. There are locations all around the country, and more arrive every year! 

Join an Adult Soccer League with TOCA Football Today

Whew, there are almost as many benefits to playing soccer as minutes in a game. Soccer provides a way for adults to get physically active. Physical activity means improved cardiovascular health, increased stamina, and reduced stress. Naturally, playing on a team gives players a chance to get to know each other and forge lasting friendships that extend well beyond the game. But remember, take it slow, know your limits, and drink plenty of water! 

TOCA Football is your adult soccer league partner. At TOCA, you can find an adult league that matches your skill level, from seasoned pros to entertaining newbies. Plus, there are countless tournaments and events geared toward adults that you can enjoy year-round. Find your nearest TOCA facility and start benefiting from soccer!

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